MUSAE: Introducing the Winners of MUSAE Second Open Call

Discover the winning projects from the Second Open Call.


Artist Information

Name: Michael Wallinger
Country: Austria
Media artist Michael Wallinger’s practice strives to fathom the performative, communicative and symbolic dimensionalities of data-driven technologies. This practice revolves around investigations into how the latent modes of abstraction, interpretation, and representation embedded in these systems shape our experience and understanding of the world and ourselves.
Michael’s work has been presented at various venues, institutions, and events, including HEK Basel, 37C3, Ars Electronica Festival, Seoul Biennale, SXSW Texas, KH-Kassel, European Forum Alpbach, Francisco Carolinum Linz, CIVA Media Art Festival, and MuseumsQuartier Vienna. Michael received an Honorable Mention at this year’s Prix Ars Electronica, was awarded by the International Press Institute in 2023, was an Artist in Residence at MediaFutures (S+T+ARTS) in 2022, and received the Content Vienna Award that same year.

SME Information

Name: Microfy Systems
Country: Spain
Microfy started its activity by 2019, in Barcelona, Spain. We are a young deep-tech entity developing disruptive technologies for the food sector. Specifically, our team develops, manufactures and commercializes affordable smart-microscopy devices for quality control procedures.
A multidisciplinary team of engineers and technicians are behind each commercialised invention, and currently cover all the manufacturing steps within the supply chain, from the concept to commissioning, on a B2C approach. Our past involvement in the honey industry has led us to identify one necessity, the need to automatise quality analysis of honey, pollen, honeydews. From this need, Microfy.AI was born, offering an automated solution specially designed for beekeepers, cooperatives, and packers who want to benefit from this technology and innovate in a traditional sector.
In parallel, our team is currently developing other use-cases for other industries, specifically working on the food and fermentation sectors.


Artist Information

Name: Miljan Stevanovic
Country: Serbia
Miljan Stevanovic is an artist who finds his poetic inspiration in idealized natural environments. The artistic approach covers a wide range of topics from the dualistic understanding of nature, the relationship between real and virtual space, analog and digital creative process. The works are characterized by a combination of abstract forms with a poetic quality. Lyrical abstraction establishes a connection between personal artistic expression and the natural world and aims to evoke emotions and sensations through non-representational or abstract forms. In addition to his artistic work, the artist took part in numerous scientific conferences related to the use of virtual and augmented reality as well as the combination of new technologies with artistic works.

SME Information

Name: Beehold
Country: Serbia
Beehold is an innovative company dedicated to revolutionizing beekeeping through the power of AI and advanced technology. Its flagship product, an AI-driven digital assistant, provides real-time data about hive conditions, minimizing the need for manual inspections by 80%. This cutting-edge solution helps beekeepers make precise, data-driven decisions, improving productivity, protecting bee health, and reducing colony loss. Beehold’s mission is to safeguard bees, essential pollinators of our food supply, while empowering beekeepers to optimize their operations and contribute to global food security​​.

Sprout to Flourish

Artist Information

Name: Magda Mojsiejuk
Country: Poland
Magda is a creative director, designer, and researcher, translating trends and scientific knowledge into captivating visions, prototypes, and experiences. As Lead Artifact Designer at Futurity Systems, a consultancy offering Futures-as-a-Service, Magda created prototypes for future products and services and initiated inTENSE, a speculative lifestyle magazine exploring life in 2030 and beyond. Her background in industrial and set design has led to award-winning work showcased at design festivals. With Studio Prognoza, Magda co-creates unique food experiences aimed at democratizing conversations about our shared future of growing, preparing, and enjoying food. Her work focuses on shifting imaginations and creating diverse visions of possible futures.

SME Information

Name: Odd Data & Design Studio
Country: Spain

Odd Data & Design is a data reimagination studio specialized in data representation. A team of creatives that strategize, analyze, explore, visualize, and transform data, research, discoveries, information, ideas, and complex concepts to drive action, decisions, inspiration, and conversations. Their work and expertise has been centered around high impact projects for health, social issues and sustainability, with solutions impacting the life of millions of people in Latin America.
Odd Experiments, the research and development branch , designs and prototypes new forms of human-interaction with data, working as a collective to bring artists and creative studios ideas to life with the help of creative technologies.


Artist Information

Name: Sanja Šikoparija
Country: Serbia/Canada
Sanja Šikoparija is a futures-artist with active ties in both the arts and sciences communities. Sanja is currently completing her Doctorate in Art at the University of Belgrade and holds a double M.Sc. from the University of Copenhagen and University College Cork.
With a solid background in both the sciences and the arts, Sanja develops art-driven innovations that challenge the boundaries of both fields, while maintaining a solid grounding in biological principles. Her work includes Raw Reverberation, an immersive bio-reactive installation enabling interspecies communication, exhibited most recently at the Art+Science festival in Belgrade, and Living Data, a collection of digital and physical sculptures that leverage neurotech to creative real-time neuro diaries, among others.
Sanja’s work features rarely-seen, intimate interactions that are transcribed into experiential installations that question sustainability, development, loci of motivation, and anthropocentric relationships.

SME Information

Name: StarLab
Country: Spain
Starlab is a private DeepTech company funded in 2000 whose main area of work lie in the Applied Neuroscience and Neurotechnology sectors. The Company employs physicists, mathematicians, environmentalists and engineers who are backed up by a business team aiming to provide technical solutions, products and services for governments, industry and downstream markets. In 2014 Starlab created Neuroelectrics® a digital brain health company that innovates at the intersection of neuroscience, physics, machine learning and hardware.

Growing Futures

Artist Information

Name: Daniela Amandolese
Country: Italy
I’m a product designer and researcher, dedicated to the complex, multidisciplinary, and constantly evolving role of the designer. After graduating from the Politecnico di Milano I focused my research on how emerging and sustainable materials (bio-based and growing) and technologies can become important elements of the design practice, triggering innovative processes and reshaping the way we think about the future. On this topic I have written publications, participated in conferences, given lectures, workshops and carried out research and consultancy activities

SME Information

Name: Basque Biodesign Center
Country: Spain
BDC is a design and reseach centre in Basque Country, focused on fashion, circular economy and biodesign. It seeks to transform competitiveness and sustainability through innovation in sustainable materials. It offers educational, curatorial and consulting services, promoting the digital transformation of materials through experimentation and technological cooperation. Connecting local and international talent and reducing the gap between design and science. BDC promotes sustainable practices through the use of agricultural and food waste, supporting the creation of prototypes and collaborating with local agents to promote a circular economy ecosystem.

Remedy Pavilion

Artist Information

Name: Baum & Leahy
Country: Denmark/UK
Baum & Leahy (Amanda Baum, DK, and Rose Leahy, UK) explore biophilic, collaboratively-driven artistic creation through interactive installation, art direction, and experience design. Collaborating with practitioners across disciplines, they open up, question and sensorialise scientific research into tactile, participatory experiences. Through research-led worldmaking and material storytelling, their work allows the beholder a proximity to alternative realities, melting between the feasible and fantastical.
Baum & Leahy took part in the first round of MUSAE STARTS ‘Food as Medicine’ residency, and are currently Visiting Arts Fellows at the Centre for Biomedicine, Self and Society at the University of Edinburgh. They have exhibited internationally, including at Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Medical Museion, Roskilde Festival (DK), Wellcome Collection, Somerset House, V&A (UK), Museum Het Valkhof, MU Hybrid Art House, Into Nature Biennial (NL), Blackwood Gallery (CA), and Art Laboratory Berlin (DE).

SME Information

Name: Blast Studio
Country: UK/France
Blast Studio is a London based company creating sustainable furniture and interior design elements from discarded materials collected locally. Inspired by natural ecosystems, they developed a process to transform used coffee cups collected in London into a resistant sustainable biomaterial which is used to create objects, furniture and as interior paneling. Blast Studio exhibited their work in various museums and institutions in Europe and Asia such as the London Design Museum, the Museum of Decorative Arts of Paris and the Hong Kong Design Institute. In 2020 they received the Architecture Encouragement Prize from the Académie des Beaux Arts and were finalists of the Loewe Craft Prize in 2022.

Symphony of Solace

Artist Information

Name: Robin Jonsson
Country: Sweden
Robin Jonsson is a choreographer who pioneers the integration of robotics in dance, emphasizing human-robot interactions. His works, such as The Most Human and Newcomers, explore the nuances of shared presence and motion between human dancers and robotic performers. By blending cutting-edge technology with physical performance, Jonsson redefines the boundaries of choreography, using movement to examine the complexity of relationships between humans and machines. His work highlights how these interactions can challenge conventional perceptions of empathy, agency, and co-existence in a rapidly evolving digital world

SME Information

Name: Dyno Robotics
Country: Sweden
Dyno Robotics is a cutting-edge robotics company specializing in the development of innovative robotic solutions for various industries. We offer expertice in the multiple robotics fields, including custom-designed robots for logistic automation, AI-systems, autonomous agriculture systems and social robotics for visitor experiences.

Fermenting Traditions

Artist Information

Name: Eleonora Ortolani & Malou Van Der Veld
Country: UK
Eleonora Ortolani and Malou van der Veld are both graduates from the MA Material Futures programme at Central Saint Martins, London. In their practice they create methods for investigating food geology and biopolitics of microorganism and human bodies.
Eleonora Ortolani is a multidisciplinary artist interested in food politics.
By collaborating with chefs, scientists, ethicists and policy makers, she uses food to investigate societal change. Eleonora combines her visual communication background and her passion for exploring the intersections of art, design, and food.
Malou is a designer and creative technologist whose research focuses on the effects of technological and scientific advancements. She weaves connections between the natural, artificial, and non-human through practices such as multispecies ethnography, sensory immersion and bioacoustics.

SME Information

Name: Crafted Kombucha Beverages LTD
Country: UK
Bio: Lou Dillon founded Crafted Kombucha Beverages in 2019 after discovering during her MSc studies that much of the kombucha available was inauthentic and subject to food fraud. This revelation inspired her launch of Twisted Kombucha with a mission to educate and inspire consumers about the benefits of traditionally fermented kombucha. Lou’s set up a small-batch microbrewery which focuses on creating probiotic-rich drinks to support gut health and well-being. In addition to crafting authentic kombucha, her goal is to achieve standardisation in kombucha production, incorporating biosensors to better understand fermentation processes and promote transparency in the industry, ensuring consumers experience genuine health benefits.


Artist Information

Name: Anna Rosinke
Country: Germany/Austria/Poland
Media artist Michael Wallinger’s practice strives to fathom the performative, communicative and symbolic dimensionalities of data-driven technologies. This practice revolves around investigations into how the latent modes of abstraction, interpretation, and representation embedded in these systems shape our experience and understanding of the world and ourselves.
Michael’s work has been presented at various venues, institutions, and events, including HEK Basel, 37C3, Ars Electronica Festival, Seoul Biennale, SXSW Texas, KH-Kassel, European Forum Alpbach, Francisco Carolinum Linz, CIVA Media Art Festival, and MuseumsQuartier Vienna. Michael received an Honorable Mention at this year’s Prix Ars Electronica, was awarded by the International Press Institute in 2023, was an Artist in Residence at MediaFutures (S+T+ARTS) in 2022, and received the Content Vienna Award that same year.

SME Information

Name: Microfy Systems
Country: Spain
Microfy started its activity by 2019, in Barcelona, Spain. We are a young deep-tech entity developing disruptive technologies for the food sector. Specifically, our team develops, manufactures and commercializes affordable smart-microscopy devices for quality control procedures.
A multidisciplinary team of engineers and technicians are behind each commercialised invention, and currently cover all the manufacturing steps within the supply chain, from the concept to commissioning, on a B2C approach. Our past involvement in the honey industry has led us to identify one necessity, the need to automatise quality analysis of honey, pollen, honeydews. From this need, Microfy.AI was born, offering an automated solution specially designed for beekeepers, cooperatives, and packers who want to benefit from this technology and innovate in a traditional sector.
In parallel, our team is currently developing other use-cases for other industries, specifically working on the food and fermentation sectors.


Artist Information

Name: Letizia Artioli
Country: Italy
Letizia Artioli, artist and researcher investigating the relationship between human beings and environmental data as a matter for research and creation. In her projects media are challenged as porous archives of knowledge and unexpected instruments for ecosystemic literacy,using tecnhology as amplificator for sensing and data phisicalization in public spaces and liminal ecosystems. She is MArtScience at KABK (NL) and PhD candidate at IUAV University (IT). Previous exhibitions include: ISEA International Symposium of Electronic Art 24, Ars Electronica, The Grey Space in The Middle, Milan Design Week 22-23-24, ArsElectronicaGarden NY, MMMAD Madrid. Founder of the Venice Climate Change Pavilion project (EU4Ocean Award22) and part of EU4Ocean Platform.

SME Information

Name: Uptoearth Italia
Country: Italy
UTE is an innovative start-up aimed at designing software and hardware using various ICT technologies in areas such as agriculture, food security, space technology, smart cities, design, and environmental protection. The company is a spin-off of IUAV University of Venice.
UTE expertise spans various technologies including 3D Modelling, Metaverse, Digital Twin, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, IoT, Robotics, GIS and Remote Sensing.
The team specializes in designing and prototyping IoT devices for precision agriculture, integrating complex data with advanced analysis and simulations, and developing autonomous robots capable of operating directly in the field, supported by cutting-edge satellite and positioning technologies.

Congratulations to the winner teams! It was a very competitive initiative with high-quality proposal from all the applicants