MUSAE is a Horizon Europe project that aims to set up the MUSAE Factory Model and include it in a network of (E)DIHs, establishing a deep connection with the STARTS ecosystem, in order to build a continuous process for artists’ and tech providers’ collaboration. A well-established, verified, and structured approach to collaboration integrated into (E)DIHs can speed up the digital and green transformation of SMEs, mid-caps, and public sector organizations across the EU and a people-planet-centred approach increases trust and acceptance of technology in society.

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The main result of the MUSAE project is a new Planet-Centered Factory Model grounded on an innovative and strategic approach called the Design Futures Art-driven (DFA) method that integrates the Design Futures with the Art Thinking method. The DFA method is aimed at supporting companies in facing and leading the ongoing Digital Transformation.

The MUSAE Factory Model aims to facilitate artistic experimentation with cutting-edge technologies and will support SMEs and startups in envisioning future scenarios and developing future-driven products and services in the food domain to improve people’s and the planet’s well-being and address contemporary social and sustainable challenges.

As a final result, the project will release a well-structured Factory model pack to strengthen the services of (E)DIHs by providing:

  • The factory core method with the process, tools, and guidelines to apply the DFA
  • The open call and residency/fellowship formats promote structured collaboration between artists and SMEs
  • Expertise and guidelines for methodological and technological training and mentoring
  • Projects and use cases within the topic of Food as Medicine as a showcase to illustrate the potentialities of the method
  • An Integrated Stakeholder Network of technology providers, artists, and experts in nutrition, art, and design universities
  • A label, possibly enhancing the STARTS original label


Two art-tech residencies are the core of the MUSAE project and are designed to lead artists to envision future scenarios related to the food domain and develop future-driven concepts and prototypes. Both residencies are organized to test and implement the Factory Model, including the Design Futures Art-driven method, Training and Mentoring format, and Residency format.

MUSAE project investigates the broad domain of Health focusing in particular on the strong, mutual relationship between health and food. Within the MUSAE project, Health is considered from a holistic perspective considering it as a combination of human and environmental health and their interaction and interconnectedness. The planet’s health is crucial for the physical, mental, and emotional health of individuals. A sustainable food chain can optimize both human health and environmental sustainability. The impact of food consumption and food behaviour on individual well-being is not limited to what people consume but it goes as far as how and where they consume it, as well as social and cultural factors concerning eating.

Therefore, innovating the domain of food to improve human and planetary well-being is a crucial challenge that provides companies with a real opportunity for growth and innovation. ‘Food as Medicine’ synthesizes the ability and the opportunity for a sustainable food chain to enhance both human health and environmental sustainability.


Baukje De Roos
Roc Pares
Maya Aghaei
Epaminondas Christophilopoulos
Alessandro Di Nuovo
Elena Giulia Rossi
Guillem Alenyà
Nunzio Alberto Borghese
Pol Capdevila
Uwe Haass